Good morning Columbia Gorge
Despite all the fire activity in White Salmon, this old timer has yet to be pressed into service - remaining lost, at Lost Lake.
A little dust with your sunshine on the Lolo Pass Road.
Along the road less travelled are views of Mount Hood unavailable to mortal tourists. This is Lolo Pass - unspoiled, untouched by the hand of man, ideal for perfect nature photography.
Seeing as these structures are so present, may as well fully utilize their design features. So many triangles!
Emma on trail at Mount Hood - "I think there's a ground squirrel over there that requires some supervision".
Flaunting the law at the Timberline Lodge parking lot - a time-honoured Oregon pastime.
See in, see back, see through, at the Timberline.
Front entrance, Timberline Lodge.
Jack awaits in the Cascade Room. He always awaits.
The main lounge and fireplace - ideal for writing that Great American Novel.
The bar - where ideas might strike.
The formal table tennis court.
Your Timberline Lodge - the winter caretaker's job is open!
Catching the draft from le Maillot Jaune.
Keeping a close watch on our local forest fire - it's only about 10 kms from our house.
The World Famous China Gorge. That's the world's biggest Panda Bear made entirely from marshmallows.
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