Check in. Check out.
Taking in the action at Milton and Butler Market.
Sunday morning Flagstaff rush hour. The hiking and biking await - in almost every direction from town.
Everybody looks like this once they figure out how long the lineup is at Macy's.
Church of the lava rocks - it is Sunday after all.
Flagstaff Trainspotting. They're all BNSF.
Anticipating Halloween.
Door number one or door number two? Which one is the choice for you?
Russ scurries back to the table at Tinderbox - you do not want to miss one morsel of this incredible food.
The Score.
Could very well be the meal of the trip: Tinderbox Kitchen.
Once again, the alien ships appear and swallow up pedestrians off San Francisco Street.
Hooping it up in Flagstaff.
The aliens don't like shoes. Never have.
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