Roadtrip 2014: Vancouver - Yakima - Boise - Provo - Flagstaff - Tucson - Palm Springs - Paso Robles - Sacramento - Eureka - Bandon - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 8 - Tucson settle in day

Hah! That's the unbelievable view from our living room.

And this is our backyard.

And this is Wendy's amazing find for snacks.

The Saguaros live here.

Snack complete. Day winding down. The view remains amazing. Temperature 91F.

This is for Grant: vast layers of mountains.

Cactus on concrete - bar code not optional

Definitively Arizona

light marks

Bird Streak

Timeless cameras get back into gear - a hardworking month awaits.





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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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