Roadtrip 2014: Vancouver - Yakima - Boise - Provo - Flagstaff - Tucson - Palm Springs - Paso Robles - Sacramento - Eureka - Bandon - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 22 - Tombstone

Our new pet roadrunner. Hangs around our deck in the mornings.

This one's in the bag. Ain't no way a guy named Dusty Escapule isn't elected mayor of Tombstone.

These two guys are just spoilin' for a gunfight. And they've just arrived at one of the 63 "original" OK corrals. They're fixin' to set up an ambush around back.

With apologies to Edward Hopper.

Tombstone may just be the best place on earth to spend Halloween.

This is the actual, original OK corral. The bullet riddled fence is proof.

The only real coffee shop between Tucson and Bisbee. It's run by Mark, an ex-pat Brit. Really.

The original tardis used by the Clanton Gang to escape.

Everyone thinks time in Tombstone is frozen around 1880 - really it's frozen in 1980.

This one likely isn't getting away anywhere fast anytime soon.

Russ used to live here. Not really.

Wendy is oblivious to the guy with a shotgun lookin' to get even at original OK corral #43.

Darn! It's Tuesday - close day.

Emma guards the back door into original OK corral #12.

U' best check those guns at the door - and we don't want the alcohol in the streets. There's always 'bin them danged rules.

Just for Stephen Shore.

Moonrise - Tombstone.

These folks have stopped dead in their tracks. They saw that guy loose with the rifle - and right here's the spot they provide a little real life gun fightin'.





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copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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