Roadtrip 2014: Vancouver - Yakima - Boise - Provo - Flagstaff - Tucson - Palm Springs - Paso Robles - Sacramento - Eureka - Bandon - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 23 - Catalina State Park

Wendy works over the picnic fueled by Ragin' Sage Coffee.

We have a panel of cryptography experts working on this one. We think it's the invasion schedule.

In the very middle of the arroyo, today's mystery poo.

Forget about Angry Birds. This is Angry Cactus.

Mothership of all cacti.

We first sighted these birdly characters many moons ago in Australia. The Aussies call 'em "Spinifex Pigeons". We just call them the hoopooburras. Wherever seen - it's the same old tune.

There are ships of the desert - and then there are fingers of the desert.

Moonrise. Snacks.





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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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