We were granted a few hours of time in the print viewing room at the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona today. We asked to see work by Pierre Cordier, Deny Moers, Jean-Pierre Sudre, Wynn Bullock and Jerry Uelsmann, plus we got a look at some of Bullock's patent applications. The Center doesn't permit cameras in the print viewing room, so there is no record of our visit - but the experience was amazing, to be allowed so close to the pictures, with no glass in the way. A real treat for us, and a bunch of new points of departure for future work.
Meanwhile, back at Desert Ranch, the Fotomen patiently photograph unattended.
The Avenida los Saguaros. Or our driveway.
Desert Ranch.
Desert landscape.
Emma stands watch while Wendy does that boring photography thing.
oh so quiet
News flash ... headless man walking with dog on Magee Rd. Film at 11.
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