Roadtrip 2014: Vancouver - Yakima - Boise - Provo - Flagstaff - Tucson - Palm Springs - Paso Robles - Sacramento - Eureka - Bandon - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 49 - Sacramento to Eureka

We discover they are repainting the Black Helicopters white in this secret facility on a remote corner of highway 36.

Part of the secret handshake hazing ceremony on the campus of UC Red Bluff.

It appears forest fire season is not yet over.

The stars come out for the night in Eureka.

The view of one of the Carter House buildings from the restaurant. This restaurant has become a fixture for us every year.

Carter House's bar. They have an unbelievable wine list.

Carter House. The restaurant is the nice bright room right in the front.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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