Roadtrip 2015 Spring: Vancouver - Astoria - Newport - Oceanside - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 6 - Driftwood Beach, Seal Rocks

Did we mention there ain't nuthin' like a day at the beach?

The beaches around Newport right now feature these huge clumps of dead, smelly jellyfish. The freshly dead ones are blue and not smelly. It's when they turn white that the fun happens.

This truck beats our truck hands down in the "angry truck" competition. The guy was friendly - really he was - gesturing for us to make the turn first. Uh hu.

Once a cliff.

Spot the cormorant.

I thought this was going to be Mystery Poo of the Day... but it was just a drill.

Oregon has the perfect sand for Ball.

The high winds dredge up more unusual beach detritus.

Spring springs from the most unlikely places.

A visual experiment with simplicity.

The stealthy beach artists have been at it again.

Just another busy day - on the beach.

Sometimes, the medium is the message.

That's the world-famous Seal Rocks and Ball-Playing Beach.





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copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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