Roadtrip 2015 Spring: Vancouver - Astoria - Newport - Oceanside - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 8 - Our Secret Beach

Best trip hair- do. So far.

Candidate photo for cover of Emma's upcoming book - Adventures of the Amazing Levitating Dog.

Entrance to Oregon's newest and finest - Bates Hotel Cliffside.

Have I mentioned that photography is stupid?

This is what beaches are made for.

Today's Mystery Flotsam.

Emma keeps watch for invaders to the secret beach.

It might look like I was kneeling down to get this picture. Nope. That rockface is at least 10 feet high, and today's surf is going right over the top of it. And the tide is going out!

Dapply lights in the sky alert us to the approach of the invasion force - Emma was right to be concerned.

See? This is some of the wildest surf in Oregon.

The ancient race of aliens left this carving in their image to remind us of the debt we owe them for teaching us about hamburgers. They'll be back to collect.

Any two dots is a face.

These may truly be the stairs to no where - if you could actually get to them.

Excepting this sign post, several post holes for fences and a staircase.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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