It's best to view the clearcuts in Oregon through the blurry windows of a rain day.
Incredible how those shipping containers migrate.
Movie fans will recognize this spot as the launch site for that fishin' trip in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
With a stunning upgrade of the Stepford Technology, this suburb has created a race of "Watch Children" to guard their neighborhood. Armed only with extended-magazine Pez dispensers, the children have dropped the petty crime rate by an amazing 82%. And they are born genetically programmed for the mission.
This is why crabs worry so much. The fishermen try to cover their pots, but the crabs know what's under the tarps.
That's our crazy Harbour Master's house for the week. Now that I see it from below, I wonder what exactly is holding the hot tub deck up (it's the funny thingie jutting out of the front of the lower deck). The view from the upper deck is nothing short of amazing.
Russ and Emma play the We Are Small game on their late afternoon constitutional.
The fishin' fleet at rest. The cuckoo's nest can wait.
The view down to the skanky hot tub deck and the crab pot mustering station beyond.
The "after the walk is done you owe me a biscuit" pose.
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