Roadtrip 2015 Spring: Vancouver - Astoria - Newport - Oceanside - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 11 - Netarts

Hard to get more ocean front than these digs.

Between the squalls.

The rain lifts off just in time for a visit to the beach. And we know what that means.

Get your own ball.

Can't stop my ass.

Throw it and they will run.

I don't need this runway - I make my own tracks.

The democratic colony of green slime we found at Cape Perpetua on Day 4 successfully mounted a Kickstarter campaign to fund development of their Amphibious Emergence from the Sea Machine. They have emerged. They are headed to Cupertino.

There are many barriers and challenges along the way.

So many things to do at the beach.

This pirate's playground would certainly violate all the safety rules in most urban municipalities - but it's the one the kids most likely want to play on.

Our Oceanside home for a week.







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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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