Roadtrip 2015 Spring: Vancouver - Astoria - Newport - Oceanside - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 12 - Netarts Bay, Cape Meares

The alien invasion force surprises us with a sneak attack on Oceanside Beach. They're trying to look like harmless fun loving para gliders - we're not fooled.

They try approaches from all angles - but we've got them in view.

Doesn't look like much, but this place, Schooner's, can really cook. Seriously.

Wendy carefully reviews today's regulations. In Vietnamese. She is very versatile.

Ain't nuthin' like relaxin' in a field of daisies.

The early day sun relents to late afternoon weather drama.

The heavy black cloud of doom brings its squally nature to the coast. We run for cover.

The Cape Meares light isn't worried - it's seen this, and worse, many times over.

Today has been very weird. Clouds of doom, interspersed with brilliant sunshine.

The west coast at her finest.

But one should never go into the woods.

Going into the woods always upsets the delicate space time relationship.

Who the bleep went into the woods!!?






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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