Roadtrip 2015 Spring: Vancouver - Astoria - Newport - Oceanside - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 16 - Bay-Ocean Beach

Tillamook business cows carry on with well, business. No time to chat.

The sun comes out at Bay-Ocean Beach and we all know what that means... Play ball!

Meanwhile, the sneaky logshark creeps out of the forest, snapping up smaller logs, A-Frame houses, unwary surfers and wayward doughnuts.

Out on the beach, urban day-clammers are oblivious to the logshark danger.

Surfers beat a hasty retreat to their surf shacks - where they'll be safe for sure.

Meantime the beach remains unconcerned and maintains focus on it's newest idea to promote itself as an art exhibition destination. This is Beach: Abstract.

Beach: Interactive Art

Beach: Surrealism

Beach: Conceptual

Beach: Landscape

The local Lewis and Clark Memorial Smoke 'n Boil Thingie. It has been recently restored to this glorious "like new" condition.

The World-Famous Oregon Potato Rock. It is believed to have magical powers linked to its mysterious and improbable resemblance to a potato.

Emma Brown Sock could care less about Potato Rocks.

Beach: Cubism

The sea found time in its irritable day to chuck this giant snag up on this head.

Confounded by the beach art exhibition and especially the interactive art display, Emma Brown Sock sleeps the evening away.








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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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