Roadtrip 2015 Spring: Vancouver - Astoria - Newport - Oceanside - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 18 - Oceanside to Cannon Beach

It's Emma's last day at the beach this spring, and there's not a moment to waste. Oh crap, there's the Rules and Regulations. That guy has been there for over an hour.

The new game of "catch".

The migration continues - they've made it to Wheeler now.

In Cannon Beach the Sleepy M0nk proudly shows off their new mugs - while Russ fetches a cup of water for Emma Brown Sock.

The stars 'n bars fly over the nap 'n cap..

Tide's out at Arcadia Beach

The World Famous Exactly Three Rocks.

Making the most of every second at the beach.

Emma still gives it full gas at Arcadia Beach.

Today's Flotsam.







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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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