Roadtrip 2016 Fall: Vancouver - Yakima - Bend - John Day River - Port Orford - Florence - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 21 - Pistol River Sand Dunes

Nuthin' good ever happens when the run-in to the trailhead is through a swamp.

Another possible home for desperate Vancouverites.

We came hoping to do a little dune hopping - and we weren't disappointed.

What the bleep is this stuff?

The US Navy's Foam of Destruction claims another unwary beachcomber.

It looks so light and fluffy - looks can be deceiving.

We find Captain Sig's treasure box embedded in a sand cliff. We don't dare dig it out - as the whole sand cliff may cavalcade down on us.

Sand circles mysteriously appear. We think it is spooky vortex action at a distance - from Sedona.

Emma will follow her boy just about anywhere.

Emma Sherpa Brown Sock marches to the summit of the mightiest dune in the land.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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