Happy Thanksgiving! We give thanks for an enormous storm featuring high winds, rain, thunder and lightning.
Emma knows exactly what to do when the weather turns this soggy.
We get a short break in the weather and head out for some dune time. Of course there are rules - which the ATV crowd mostly ignores.
At the top of the trailhead to the dunes, the long-awaited summit snack.
Then, the blast down the slipface.
There are still blooms.
We find yet another landing site. This is the first one this year, but we've found landing sites all over the United States. This site seems to have been used by four different podships.
Rain or shine - the Oregon Coast really is this barren on Thanksgiving Day. The locals are face down in turkey and football.
Florence Gothic.
Home to our beach hut - the rains have returned. But an evening of feasting awaits.
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