Roadtrip 2016 Spring: Vancouver - Seaside - Yachats - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 8 - Sandcastles again!

Even the Sandcastles have Rules and Regulations.

The increasingly unnecessary intersection control at Bridgeview and Oceania.

One last Rule and Regulation. Or so they thought.

The locals call this The Impossible Driveway. Someone always wants to prove them wrong.

And of course, the Mystery Flotsam of the Day.

Those little lumps over there are harbour seals. This is as close as they'd let me get. Before I start getting helpful suggestions about a 1600mm lens, let me say: I'm not lumping around a 20lb lens to make pictures of seals.

From the top of the mightiest dune in Sandcastles, a view of the much safer zone one block from the beach.

A Seal Rocks landmark for decades - Mr. Sushi has finally lost his entire mind - and indeed the business is for sale and can be yours for a cool $349,000 USD.

The view from our back deck.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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