Roadtrip 2017 Spring: Vancouver - Yakima - Bend - Yachats - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 10 - Bend to Yachats

The patio at Strictly is strictly empty. Benders are decidedly wimpy about cloudy weather.

As usual, the road through the Cascades at Santiam Pass takes us into the snow zone.

4-sock-drive is easily as good as chains.

Santiam Pass is still in the white stuff.

Meanwhile on the west side of the Cascades it's downright Spring like in Brownsville.

The American pie culture runs long and deep.

I think this is the hill where River Phoenix says to Wil Wheaton, "Not if I see you first".

In Corvallis this looks like the best place in town for one huge party crash pad. I wonder how often they have to call the local constabulary? Go Beaves!

Sometimes you just have to take what you can get for the afternoon picnic spot.

They call it the Toledo Herbaceous Measels. No one knows how it happened - or how to stop it.

Crossing the bar, Newport - landlubber style.

As promised, within minutes of arrival, The Beach.

Have we ever mentioned there ain't nuthin' like a day at the beach?

Yes, there are Rules and Regulations. Duly noted.








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copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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