Truly, there's no knowing what some folks are thinking. The motor home in the distance circled this parking lot 3 times - traversing the flooded section each time. Eventually it pulled out and turned so it could hit the view spot head in. The view is worth risking everything - we guess.
Resting spot for our deck chairs after last nights wind storm. No worries - the pole across the road is not really on fire.
What better to do on a rain day than hit the local Pelican Brew Pub for lunch. Love the "tide clock".
Ellie spots the Swing Set at the End of the Universe and takes off.
Swinging (at the End of the Universe) in the rain.
Just had to document the newest bright lights in Seaside.
The rains are back after a short dry patch through the afternoon. Hoping the generated heat will keep them dry, these flaming cars brave the trek on 101 between Cannon Beach and Seaside.
Team Humbug is fully into the spirit of the season.
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