Our lunch spot, just above the storm tide line.
Every wayside has it's own unique set of rules.
Heceta view - towards the world famous Sea Lion Caves on the far point.
After a couple of warm days, Oregon turns green.
The Heceta Head Light calls to sea.
The 107th running of the World-Famous Surf-to-Signal Race reaches its exciting conclusion. No four-year old has ever won this race, especially against an international field of elite runners. This is an historic over-the-horizon win for all four-year olds.
We take the trail that winds upwards from the Lighthouse - suddenly the mysterious space time vortexes begin to rumble.
It's way too dark and green here to be a Sedona vortex - it seems we are caught in a very unusual Pacific Northwest vortex. Perhaps we should sound retreat to the protective beacon of the Light.
We marvel at the occurrence of things that come in twos.
The most recent entry for Most Evil Sunset.
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