Roadtrip 2019 Fall: Vancouver - Richland - Twin Falls - Provo - Kanab - Yucca Valley - Paso Robles - Sacramento - Brookings - Yachats - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 17 - Paria Townsite and Canyon

The run-in to the abandoned town of Paria and the site of many movies is well-maintained.  We didn't see a single burned out Prius on this one.  Unfortunately, there is nothing left of Paria other than a cemetery, and the movie sets burned down in 2006. 

The banks of the mighty Paria River – there is still ice from the prior night's freeze in the shadows.

I think this qualifies as "beach".

The sun is strong, but the air is still very chilled today! That's ice clinging to the muddy frozen banks. The last 2 nights have been hovering around 15F.

We allow Ellie some off leash time. There's no one else around – and she behaved remarkably well. Progress has been made from last year.

Beach time is off-leash time!

Incredible cottonwood tree along the river banks. Leaves are falling fast.

Off to explore the Great Basin of Salt.

This pretty much passes for an Oregon beach – but there are no barnacles, and the sand is hard as rock.

I think a creek bed trail counts as beach too.

Biggest marker in the Paria (original spelling Pareah) cemetery. Most of the names are children and youth from just a couple days old up to 18 years.

The cliff colours are over the top fantastic.

It looks like a road, but it's a wash.

Plants that are just hanging in there – along the wash.

The hand of Russ.

Wow we've found another, extremely rare, peek a boo style toilet hut!

Halloween Night – Kanab.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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