Trailer for sale or rent ……
Rooms to rent - 50 cents ………
Ellie shows off her 1st birthday present – a very cool hand-engraved name tag.
More beach than puppy.
The big move north.
The Flotsam of the Day.
Our return track through the dense stabilized dunes of Bayocean spit.
Garibaldi awaits across the bay – you could almost walk it at low tide! Though you may go gloop in the mud and a very angry Coast Guard would have to come and get you.
What the tides bring in. There once was an entire town of Bay Ocean right on this spit. Not a bit of it remains. Washed away in the tides of time.
If you have normal vision, you should see the first three chapters of Moby Dick. If you see the number "3" in a circle, go get your eyes checked. Don't drive.
Tillamook Bay – resplendent with her oyster fields.
The tourist train heads out from Garibaldi, bound for Rockaway. The crossing guys here love their job. I'm not kidding.
Steampunk revival.
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