It's a crazy stormy rain day today. That's OK - we had a bunch of office type things to catch up on. So it was just a town walk - and Ellie and Wendy took a quick gander down to the beach. The blowing sand was pretty wild.
Only to get very quickly even more wild. Ellie loved it - chasing the sand. But she was quickly becoming encrusted - I was trying to jam my camera back into the bag - and she was going so nuts that she yanked the leash out of my hand!
Leash recovered - dog under control - camera back in a bag that is also wet and sand crusted. As am I. Time to get off this beach and rendezvous back with Russ! Adventure complete - but Ellie wants keep going!
Seaside used to be full of these fun carny sideshow things - this is the only one left on the frontage. Fittingly, it's an "all you can shoot" affair. The pink squid is an innocent bystander.
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