Roadtrip 2021-2022 Winter: Seaside - Yachats - Brookings

Day 26 - House Rock, Cape Ferrelo

The magnificent sun pokes through oceanside trees. Feels so warm today!

We have no idea why this place is called House Rock.

Russ surveys the vast Pacific oceanscape at House Rock.

Once again, mysterious monoliths have appeared in the area. They all make this low thrumming sound. When you touch them, they fill your mind with instructions on how to build time machines, among other things.

There's always someone who believes the coastal ranger fairies sweep by every night to pick up their little bags of poo. They don't.

We discover another hobbit tunnel. But today, there are no hobbits in sight.

The Team enjoys the 20+C temperatures (in January!) in the sunshine at Cape Ferrelo.

It's not the beach, but there is plenty for dogs to do.

We finally arrive at The Bench at the End of the Universe.

That's Lone Ranch Beach waaay down there - the parking lot has been jammed all day.

Late afternoon coffee and cheescake from Little Mary's Bakery - only available at the twice weekly Farm Market. Good light cheescake! We get it all prepped in time to watch the full sunset show.

The sun is down - but muted pastel sky colours remain.






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copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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