Roadtrip 2021-2022 Winter: Seaside - Yachats - Brookings

Day 32 - Pistol River, Arch Rock

Pistol River meets Pacific Ocean.

The Team assesses the playability of this pitch.

The Shetland Sheepdog surveys her sandbar.

View south from the Pistol River sandbar.

Goosenecks eat my shorts.

The sea gives up a diverse jumble of rubble.

In the Paleontologically Sensitive Zone, we find a molar from the rare Sea Heifer Shark, a Jurassic remnant that inhabited the shallow seas of ancient Oregon, using these mighty molars to chew Jurassic Kelp.

We're entering this one in the family portrait - unconventional class.

Yet another parking spot with a view. Don't they all?

Read carefully - this one contains some quite unusual r&r's.

The Renewed Topographics: Chain Link over Arch Rock.

A beauty spot in the sheltered bay just north of the arch rock.

Definitely not angry - guess this one has the be in the "pretty" camp. Note the tiny light on the ocean is a fishing vessel out of Brookings Harbour. We think it's Sig - as there are no crabs in the Berring Sea this season. He's getting our catch for tomorrow night.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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