Roadtrip 2022 Fall: Richland - Boise - Ely - Kanab - Sedona - Joshua Tree - Paso Robles - Calistoga - Brookings - Cannon Beach

Day 28 - Midgely Bridge - Wilson Canyon

The World-Famous Midgely Bridgely - it basically stands on teenie tiny footings. No-one knows why it is still standing. Probably Vortexes.

Sometimes there are barriers.

We find an unmistakable vertebrae and pelvis from a human-alien hybrid embedded in the rocks in Wilson Canyon. The Black Helicopters routinely patrol this area, but of course, they can't see us.

We enter Wilson Canyon proper.

Deep in the mysterious depths of Wilson Canyon.

Yes - the rocks really are pink and blue in Wilson Canyon. If Ella could see colour she wouldn't believe it.

The canyon is continuously eroding, and thus, giving up its secrets.

It is surprisingly cold in here - Wendy bundles up. We think the cold has something to do with the remarkable preservation of artifacts we are always finding in here.

No water here right now - but strong evidence that it rages at times.

Canyonside grasses catch the late afternoon sun.

The Renewed Topographics, Sedona Edition #12.

The Renewed Topographics, Sedona Edition #13.

The Renewed Topographics, Sedona Edition #14.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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