Roadtrip 2022 Spring: Seaside - Bend - Boise - Park City - Grand Junction - Park City - Boise - Richland

Day 40 - Boise to Richland

We have a little extra time today, so we decide to visit some historic towns off the Interstate. I think this is Weiser.

Our friends at the US Gov want us to believe this is an old cement plant. But what's really under that dome?

There's always a creative spot to fly your flag.

Black cows grave in their pretty purple field - while an Interstate runs through it.

A very strange sort of car incident.

Darn - no overnight rate sign on this one.

The local Caution sign also details the local priorities: "Dogs... Cows... Kids". No mention of the lost SpaceX Mars Lander Module.

The likely winner of the cheapest motel of the trip: $58.

That's the Geiser Grand Hotel in Baker, where we had a dubious meal many years ago.

The fabled Baker Electric, founded by far-thinking entrepreneurs before there was electricity.

Worth a stop no matter what.

Up the road, in North Powder, dandelion fields forever.

And the World-Famous North Powder water tower.

Good grief - thought we'd left this weather long behind us. But the summit of the Blue Mountains Scenic Corridor had other plans. Just a gentle reminder that it can follow us wherever we go.

Pendleton has even more mysterious stuff.

Fer Buildin' Thangs

The Local One Way, Last Stop.

Storms loom as we hurtle towards the Columbia.

Lots of abandoned buildings - this old school is really cool, but on private property.

The drop towards the Columbia Gorge.

Green fields abound.

All about farmin'

The World Famous Columbia Landing Site.

Trip milestone - once again we cross the Columbia.

Our last stop for this journey - a very nice room at the Columbia Point Lodge. Arrival just in time to sit on our deck and watch the Columbia turn to pink.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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