Ella goes through her stretch routine in preparation for the adventures ahead.
It's a strange sky - still in the early afternoon hours - but the pinks are already emerging.
These seaweed tangles always remind me of pasta. Just add a little marinara.
Strange clouds and colours are in the sky. It feels like sunset, but it's only 1pm.
Dogs care little for colours in the sky. Play ball!
A peaceful resting day for this rock - one must rest when the opportunity presents!
Not sure which way the weather is going to bend today. Always a surprise on the wild Oregon Coast!
We immediately find more ancient pictographs in the sea caves. On the left, a clear picture of UFOs flying over this very sea cave. On the right, a very clear message, written in some advanced code, based on the special characters on a typewriter keyboard. The ancients must have had some kind of stone-age keyboards that they used to communicate with the space aliens. We have yet to actually locate one, but we know it must be around here somewhere.
The Black Helicopters are very, very nervous today. We are onto something.
The weather holds on and allows us a second walk today - along the Prom in Seaside.
Seaside has been emptied out, as if the Men in Black are about the descend here. We remain oblivious.
Solo swinger.
The loneliest swing set in the world is even more lonely this evening.
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