Things to see, right out of the parking lot.
The World-Famous Devil's Churn.
It's like a manicured garden along these paths.
Bowing to the winds.
The giant shore trees get gnarlier and gnarlier.
The Devil's Churn churns - but it's low tide right now and not at it's most angry stage. Below are two folks from BC - we think they're relatively safe right now - just don't get too close to those edges!
Hanging garden sandwich.
Russ tackles the steep descent to the rocky beach.
Tourists love to tempt the devil.
The trail around the headland is extremely rustic.
These tide pools have no occupants - excepting a bit of hardy seaweed. The sea is just too harsh here.
Today was slated to be a total rain out - luckily it's turned into the classic Oregon in and out with a very decent afternoon. But the roily clouds lurk as our friendly seagull looks on.
The local turkey vultures keep a close eye on all tourists. Y'never know when the devil might lose patience.
The cove at Perpetua is pretty filled in today.
At least they noted the mistake and tried to fix it.
Clouds roll by - and the shapes change at light speed.
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