The coves are much calmer today - especially compared to yesterday.
A warm Sunday afternoon attracts lots of folks to the Yaquina Light.
This protoype Population Control System was installed by the US Navy in a top-secret experiment in the 1970's to reprogram human DNA by way of microwaves. They hoped to inject gene SB7560-012 into their unsuspecting Oregon subjects, which would turn them into docile pot-smoking happy citizens. A few generations later... just a sec... I think I have the munchies...
In the distance: the Famous Cape Foul Weather, where the weather is indeed foul 362 days of the year.
So much calm in sea and sky. A wonderful break from the very tumultuous and cold Spring so far.
The hike to the heights yields this view of the Yaquina Head Light from far above.
Russ happily hikes along in this celebration of "first day of shorts" for the trip. He has not yet discovered the approacing black helicopter.
The Black Helicopters appeared overhead almost immediately after we found that Population Control System antenna.
That's a crazy huge floating mat of seabirds out there.
The Lightkeeper's perch.
One unpredicted outcome of the Population Control System experiment: every day, Oregonians from all over the State scale steep cliffs to stand catatonically on this tiny beach for about 25 minutes. They then wake up with the munchies and no idea how they got here.
Well away from the crowds, seals enjoy a sunny day.
Can you spot the turkey vulture?
The Renewed Topographics, Oregon Coast 2023 #1.
Look up - look waaaay up. Yes I'm even friendly too.
Turkey vulture - the more obvious view. Right now they are in huge numbers all over the coast.
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