Roadtrip 2024 Spring: Seaside - Yachats - Tumalo - Walla Walla

Day 9 - Yachats Base, Nye Beach

Our base in Yachats. Yet another insane view.

The Other View from our computer action station perch.

Nye Beach Access.

Nye Beach resting spot.

More of those pesky US Navy Project Cobras. They seem to be everywhere. Could the Navy have a containment problem? Is this what has the Black Helicopters so worried?

Please ignore the supermax cell reserved for malfeasants. Welcome!!

Hangin' out over the Nye Beach Hotel.

Blue sailors as far as the eye can see.

I could distinctly hear: "Pull Up! Pull Up! Terrain!! Terrain!!". I think it was the passenger. She was remarkably calm.

This is the largest deposit of blue sailors we think we've ever seen.

Blue sailor patterns are most interesting when mixed with other washed up beach items.

Flowers from a bouquet are scattered all over the beach and intermingled with the blue sailors.

This is the furthest north known image of Acan, the Mayan god of heavy drinking.

Next to Acan, we find images of Egyptian dieties Amun and Gengen-Wer. The Black Helicopters must know we have found these artifacts.

Perhaps these flowers were part of a memorial bouquet scattered at sea - or the seaside?

The mini scenes are hauntingly quite beautiful.

Abort takeoff!! RTLS!!! Good call.

This is an example of an original ancient tracking and mind-control device, as demonstrated in the shocking documentary, "The Matrix". We found it embedded in a layer of sandstone dating to approx 21,000 years BC. No Black Helicopters. Yet.

Yet another flower/sailor mix.

Nye Beach. Innocent enough, if you ignore all the stuff we have found.

Not even the black helicopters can deny the evidence here. They are watching us.






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copyright 2022
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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