Redmond has a well preserved and active historic district.
...... and a nod to the very modern on the way out of town.
But Redmond can't beat Culver - as they have Beetle Bailey.
UFO emerging from inter-dimensional cloudbank. This has happened before. In Brazil. Really.
Crossing the Crooked on the SW Jordan Bridge.
Quite the sky show today.
The finger cloud contemplates its next move.
Hole in the sky.
The Renewed Topographics: Cove Palisades 2024
The ripply clouds are also in fine form.
Flora along the river edge.
What an eccentric performance!
The landscape has a bit of difficulty competing with the cloud sisters today.
Some roots, some lichens.
Science Project 2023-2024: What happens when you leave underwear outside all winter?
On the pier at the lake.
Fractured Rock.
A very unusual pictogram.
The Legend of Littlefoot confirmed!! These fossilized footprints confirm the presence of the legendary Littlefoot in Cove Palisades over 10 million years ago.
Culver - backside.
The clouds remain the star performers today.
You could hide a starship in that cloud. Wait a minute.
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