Road Trip 2010 - Washington Farming Towns, Idaho Mountains, Oregon Deserts, Food and Wine, California Coast and Redwoods

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Day 22 - Trinidad, Eureka, Ferndale, Hydesville

That ol' coastal fog is always lurking... sometimes offshore, sometimes onshore.

watch your watch - it's a 10 hour zone

darn .... this would have been such a funky spot for a little fish 'n chips - they promise to re open soon though - next trip.

universal access - it's everywhere you want to be

bucolic view - Eureka waterfront

Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night - but them danged 100 year-old combination locks are another matter...

Wendy genuflecting in front of the altar of the almighty God of Energy - Gasolinus.

along Main St. - downtown Ferndale

yup - they're pretty much everywhere in these parts

It's 4:30 pm on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon in Ferndale - this block of buildings pretty much says it all. Even the ice cream stand is closed. A few bemused tourists wander through wondering when the apocalypse is coming.

Bates Hotel. Didn't ask.

groceries, beer, ice, gas and don't forget the hay for the upcoming winter.

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