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The buildings along the big courtyard facing Midlothian Avenue have eight main entrances. This picture shows all eight entrances in a multiple exposure. All of the entrances were identical at one time in the past, but over time, all have taken on their own character. The public art on most of the doors is now their dominant feature.
6x7cm medium format negative
Image Keywords:
Series Keywords: Little Mountain Public Housing closure in Vancouver BC, relocated people create art in abandoned public housing project, photographs of abandoned apartment buildings, empty playgrounds, experimental photography, double and multiple exposures, slit-scan images, very to extremely long exposures, modified and unmodified Holga toy camera, pinhole camera, Fotoman 45PS
General Keywords: quiet, calm, peaceful, silent, gentle, placid, secret, serene, tranquil, sublime, evocative, elegant, simplicity, inspire, subtle, haunting, contemplative, exquisite traditional film darkroom black and white photography, print, licensing, license, for sale, order, work on paper, dual toned, selenium, sulphide, sulfide, sepia, archival, Ilford, Kodak