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This picture has always given me the impression of the lilies still floating in a pond. They are over one hundred years old, and have spent most of that time floating on a sheet of paper until now.
4x5 inch large format negative
Image Keywords:
Series Keywords: Paris, Deyrolle, still life, botanical, medicinal medicine herb, 19th century, antique, old, France, French, Europe, Mme Robert, plant, flower, collection, 1880, 1870, 1890, 1900, chromaskedasic, chromoskedasic, chromokinesic, chromakinesic, pressed floral flower
General Keywords: quiet, calm, peaceful, silent, gentle, placid, secret, serene, tranquil, sublime, evocative, elegant, simplicity, inspire, subtle, haunting, contemplative, exquisite traditional film darkroom black and white photography, print, licensing, license, for sale, order, work on paper, dual toned, selenium, sulphide, sulfide, sepia, archival, Ilford, Kodak