The Prix de la Photographie Paris 2007 Jury

We would like to thank the distinguished jury of Px3 2007 for their kind consideration:
Jérôme Ormieres, Art Director of BDDP & Fils, Paris
Simon James, Publishing Director of EC1 Publishing Ltd, London
Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris
Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York
Naomi Cass, Director of Centre for Contemporary Photography, Australia
Steve Fine, Director of Photography of Sports Illustrated magazine
Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy
Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris
Susan A. Zadeh, Artistic Director of Eyemazing International Contemporary Photography magazine
Jeannette Mariani, Art Director of 13 Sévigné Gallery, Paris
Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris
Tom Meerman, President of the GKF/Dutch Photographer's Association
Adrian Leeds, Director of Adrian Leeds Group, Paris
Scott Mc Kiernan, Director of ZUMA Press, Inc. and Publisher of DOUBLEtruck Magazine, Los Angeles
Agnès Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris
Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.



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