The Dunes are back in Waldport, ready to swallow the biggest and baddest of ladder-equipped pickup trucks.
The Dunes sweep past the feeble defences of the local homeowners, seeking bigger prey.
The Dunes love to prey on realtors. They are considered crispy and crunchy and low in unsaturated fat.
The Dunes sneer at the fleeing pickup trucks. The realtors might hide, but they will be found.
The Dunes are patient. They will wait. And kick the garbage cans about for fun.
Meanwhile, at the beach...
Did I mention there ain't nuthin' like a day at the beach?
A slime simulation of today's approaching storm system. That's Newport, on the right edge. The local weather forecasters consult slime simulations daily. Really.
It's like a timer went off and suddenly a swarm of folks arrive at Seal Rocks. They're clearly looking for something - we know not what.
Seal Rock. Or Rocks. Who knows?
Still searching.
One last look at Seal Rock. Emma is very tired.
Back in the car park this little roadrunner carries the weight of a rather large package.
The rather gothic and ominous approach to Newport.
The evening serves up a many layered sunset.
Pretty quiet at Nye Beach. The weekend, and Spring Break for the kids, is now over.
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