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We rolled into Galveston Texas the evening before Hurricane Humberto ran ashore, barely 20 miles north of this spot. Our beach house rattled and rolled in the wind, but held. I made this photograph of the gathering storm as the very last rays touched these fences that last evening.
6x7cm medium format negative, Rollei IR film.
Image Keywords:
Series Keywords: Roadtrips in North America, Canada and the United States; The Pacific Northwest; The Desert SouthWest; The Gulf Coast; The Southeast and Atlantic; The Great Plains; Landscapes and the Urban Landscape.
General Keywords: quiet, calm, peaceful, silent, gentle, placid, secret, serene, tranquil, sublime, evocative, elegant, simplicity, inspire, subtle, haunting, contemplative, exquisite traditional film darkroom black and white photography, print, licensing, license, for sale, order, work on paper, dual toned, selenium, sulphide, sulfide, sepia, archival, Ilford, Kodak