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Wendy on the White Sands
Russel Kwan
fiber based silver gelatin
edition of 9

This is almost a lucky shot... Wendy had hiked up one of the nearby dunes at White Sands National Monument, and I had just pulled out my Fotoman 45PS large format camera loaded with one of my last sheets of Kodak HSI infrared film. She was just about to step over the dune crest when I saw this scene. I focused the lens just short of infinity and guessed an exposure and made this picture hand-held - just like a press photographer of many years ago.

This particular negative is not without flaws - HSI is a notoriously delicate emulsion, and I managed to ding it a bit somewhere in the loading or unloading or processing - but I like this picture a lot, and I feel that even the dings lend the picture a sense of great age.

Even with the flaws, anyone who knows Wendy can easily identify her in this picture, even though she is but a speck in the frame - this 4x5 negative has an incredible amount of information despite the graininess of HSI.

4x5inch large format Kodak HSI negative

Image Keywords:

Series Keywords: Roadtrips in North America, Canada and the United States; The Pacific Northwest; The Desert SouthWest; The Gulf Coast; The Southeast and Atlantic; The Great Plains; Landscapes and the Urban Landscape.

General Keywords: quiet, calm, peaceful, silent, gentle, placid, secret, serene, tranquil, sublime, evocative, elegant, simplicity, inspire, subtle, haunting, contemplative, exquisite traditional film darkroom black and white photography, print, licensing, license, for sale, order, work on paper, dual toned, selenium, sulphide, sulfide, sepia, archival, Ilford, Kodak